"Assembler Gear" Avengers Nerf Guns
Nerf Assembler Gear Blasters, Darts & Accessories

Ages 5+


Average Rating 4.6

Elite Nerf Darts

Customizable Blasters
Assembler Gear Overview
Nerf Assembler Gear is a collection that was made to support the Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise. As you navigate down the list you will notice that each one of these Nerf guns are themed after main characters from the Avengers movies. All of them with the exception of Miles Morales who is from Spider-Verse.
The main feature that stands out for this series is customization. All of these Nerf guns are designed to be interchangeable. You can take parts from one and put them on another, creating a uniquely new blasters. If you’re brave enough to collect them all, it’s even possible to assemble them into one giant blaster.
Due to the simple design features and the demographics they’re marketed too, you won’t find a lot of additional features. All of these blasters are single fire and either use a slide-action or pull-handle primer. Which makes them a great choice for children around 5 years old.
Series Breakdown
Nerf Assembler Gear Arsenal
Click anyone of the Nerf guns below to access the stats page, share the image or enlarge it to get a close look at the blaster and its features.

Assembler Gear Ammo and Info
Below you will find information about what types of ammo is compatible with Avenger Nerf guns and questions regarding the series status and it’s future.

Elite Nerf Darts
For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse (Romans 1: 20 ESV).
Assembler Gear Nerf guns use Elite style darts that have been color coordinated to match each blaster. Elite darts are well known for their increased accuracy and are considered to be the most commonly used Nerf darts available.
The darts are compatible with all Nerf guns, magazines and drums that will accommodate Elite darts.
For the age group they’re marketed to. I like em. Not because they support characters from the Marvel Universe but because they tap into a child’s creativity. These guns (whether it was by design or not) encourage kids to use their skills to create something unique.
They will also encourage your child to use their imagination. You’re not just purchasing a blaster that shoots darts but instead it’s extension of the character it represents. Hulks (fist), Spider-man (web), etc. Features that require an imagination in order to bring them to life. A good imagination promotes active play and active play is great exercise for the young ones.
I love how easy to operate these blasters are. The entire series consists of single fire Nerf guns that are primed with either a pull-handle or slide-action primer. Both styles are easy for children to grip and pull back. Loading and reloading is done directly into the barrel of the blaster. Even kids younger then the recommended age of 5 should be able to play with these toys. Your digression of course.
The thought of a child unplugging from a digital screen and engaging in some form of healthy activity that stimulates their mind and skills. What’s not to love about that.
Simply put. Thumbs up.