Dinosquad Nerf Guns
Dinosquad Nerf Guns, Darts & Accessories

Ages 8+


Average Rating 4.7

Elite Nerf Darts

Increased Accuracy
Nerf Dinosquad is where the world of tactical and dinosaurs collide. Each Nerf gun in this series will take an individual approach to play style by integrating a specific species of dinosaur into the design of the Nerf gun. In addition to this, the arsenal is still able to maintain a tactical presence through custom milling, tactical rails, ammo storage and tactical stocks.
I was a little cautious at first, however, the results are showing to be very favorable for this series in terms of customer reviews. You can find an article HERE ⇒ where I cover the series success and recommended ages. Moreover, the series continues to expand and in the short amount of time it’s been around it has gone from 3 to 6 Nerf guns.
Series Breakdown
Nerf Dinosquad Arsenal
Click anyone of the Nerf guns below to access the stats page, share the image or enlarge it to get a close look at the blaster and its features.
Dinosquad Ammo and Info
Below you will find information about what types of ammo is compatible with Dinosquad Nerf guns and questions regarding the series.

Elite Nerf Darts
How Do Dinosquad Nerf Guns Work?
The best way to understand how each of the Dinosquad nerf guns work is to go to the stat page associated with the gun you’d like to see. Click on the operation tab under the tactical information section. This will give you an in depth description of how the gun works.
What Type of Nerf Dart Does The Dinosquad Series Use?
DinoSquad blasters are compatible with all styles of Elite Darts. The darts that the come packaged with the guns have a two-tone color scheme that is unique to this series. Elite darts are said to have an increased accuracy and range factor to them and should hold up under normal conditions. Dino Nerf guns will also shoot Elite 2.0.
How Many Dino Squad Blasters Are There?
There are currently 6 Dino Squad nerf guns available. Although. I do expect to see more in the future due to the frequency of the releases since the series release.
How Do You Shoot a DinoSquad Nerf Gun?
The best way to learn how to shoot each of the Dino Nerf guns is to refer to the stat pages and look under the tactical information section. Click on the operation tab and I will explain how each of the blasters shoot.