Flipshots Nerf Guns
Nerf Elite 2.0 Flipshots Blasters, Darts & Accessories

Ages 8+


Average Rating 4.4

Elite 2.0 Nerf Darts

Increased Accuracy
Elite 2.0 Flipshots Series Overview
FlipShots is a sub-series that falls under the Elite 2.0 family which only consists of a couple Nerf guns and outside of some mild color similarities these blasters have taken on a form of their own. No other Nerf gun on the market offers this style of flip design which allows you free access to reserve ammo.
In addition to this the series covers a lot of ground for only having a few Nerf guns. Single fire, multi-fire, slam-fire, lever-action and pump-action are all present which is pretty impressive. Moreover, it brings plenty of tactical diversity to a small arsenal.
Furthermore, it’s not easy to get an accurate assessment of which direction the series is heading so we can only speculate. There’s an obvious pattern of doubling the ammo capacity from 8, 16 and then to 32, but where does that take us? Down to 4 or up to 64 round capacity? Only time will tell.
Series Breakdown
Nerf Flipshots Arsenal
Click anyone of the Nerf guns below to access the stats page, share the image or enlarge it to get a close look at the blaster and its features.
Flipshots Ammo and Info
Below you will find information about what types of ammo is compatible with Elite 2.0 Flipshots Nerf guns and questions regarding the series status.

Elite Nerf Darts
For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse (Romans 1: 20 ESV).
What Type of Darts Do Flipshots Nerf Guns Shoot?
All FlipShots Nerf guns shoot Elite style Nerf darts.
This series comes packaged with Elite Nerf darts. The darts are a distinct shade of neon green in order to accommodate the color palette of the Flipshots blasters. Moreover, you can expect them to perform to the same level of quality as other Elite style darts, with increased accuracy, distance and durability.
These darts are compatible with all Elite style blasters and magazines.
Highest Capacity Flipshots Nerf Gun
The Flip-32 is a high capacity Nerf gun with a 16/16 split between barrel systems. The cycle time is average which is expected from a lever-action primer, however, the overall volume can be increased by switching from single fire to multi-fire. Additionally, the front handle grip (used to flip between barrels) is in the locked position which gives an increased level of control over the Nerf gun. Therefore, making the gun more consistent. Continue Reading about the Flip-32 ⇒
How Do You Use Nerf Elite 2.0 Flipshots
The best way to understand how each one of these FlipShots Nerf guns work is by going to the stat pages and click on the operation tab under tactical information. There you can read about how each blaster operates. Nerf Flip-8 Stat Page, Flip-16 Stats Page and Flip-32 Stats Page.