Hyper Nerf Guns
Hyper Nerf Blasters, Darts & Accessories

Ages 14+


Average Rating 4.6

Hyper Rounds

100 FPS
Nerf Hyper Series Overview
Hyper Nerf guns exhibit a number of features that give them a futuristic vibe. The Nerf guns are tactical in design and carry some similarities to the Rival series such as the use of hoppers, instead of magazines or cylinders. They also use Hyper rounds rather than Nerf darts which closely resemble the High-Impact ammo that Rival blasters use, although engineered slightly different. But once you work past the similarities it becomes quite clear that this arsenal is unique and with some fresh new upgrades.
One noticeable difference is the use of the tactical rails as a way of holding additional ammo. They were designed to accommodate reloading canisters that come in 50 or 100 round capacities and will aid in speeding up the reload process. The pros and cons will be discussed later on this page, however, I felt it worth mentioning in the introduction.
This series has the highest FPS Nerf guns on the market. They will deliver a velocity of around 110 FPS (feet per second) which is just above the velocity of the Rival guns at 100 FPS. However, this can only be sustained with a good power source.
Series Breakdown
Nerf Hyper Arsenal
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Nerf Hyper Series Ammo and Info
Below you will find information about what types of ammo is compatible with Hyper Nerf guns and questions regarding the series status and it’s future.

Nerf Hyper Rounds
The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you (Psalm 9: 9-10 ESV).
What Type of Ammo Does Nerf Hyper Use?
These guns use Hyper Rounds which were designed specifically for this series and are not compatible with any other Nerf gun. They’re small round balls that are shaped like a miniature golf ball and the texture will remind you of one of those artificial worms used for fishing, just not as hard. Furthermore, High-Impact Rounds shot from Rival guns are NOT compatible with the Hyper series blasters. I know it’s tempting but you won’t get very far.
Integrated hoppers sound good in theory. They offer a reliable delivery system for high capacity that require bulk loading ammunition, however, are they effective for Hyper Nerf guns and do they add value? These are two questions we will quickly explore and hopefully find some clarity along the way.
The reloading process leaves you with two options. The first option is to use your hands and hope for the best or you can take the second option and find something to help you achieve a better result. This is where the reload canisters come in and their purpose is to solve this issue as well as providing an onboard storage system. Therefore, are they worth the investment? The short answer is yes, although the canisters are far from perfect they’re still your best option.
Eventually the canister will make its way onto the Nerf gun. It’s not a matter of if but when. Therefore, it should make sense and have purpose. The canister you choose should correlate with the capacity of the Nerf gun. For example it makes no sense to put a 100 round canister on a Rush-40, however, the 50 round canister does. Moreover, why add unnecessary bulk. Also, make good use of the tactical rails below the grip instead of attaching them on the top rail in front of the sight.
My Thoughts on The Nerf Hyper Series
My initial thoughts on this series is that Hyper Nerf guns have a lot of potential. If you’re able to look past the subtle flaws at what these guns are designed to do, it now becomes a process of working out the bugs. However, they do struggle in a couple of key areas which I will lay out here.
The leading problem with this style of Nerf gun is that the hopper system hinders the performance of the blasters and needs to be addressed as two separate topics, reloading issues and feeding issues.
This has gotten slightly better with the release of the Evolve and Impulse, however, the original run lacked a good design. The hopper mouth of the Mach, Rush and Siege were all to small which affects reload speeds regardless of whether or not you use a canister. However, there has been some progress in the design of the Evolve and Impulse which have a spring open design that has a larger mouth and is initiated by a button on the grip frame. Therefore, making the reload process more fluid.
A growing frustration with Hyper Nerf guns is the number of misfires that are possible while cycling the gun. The solution to this issue is to shake the blaster in order to force the process along. This is less of an issue when the blaster is fully loaded, however, it will become noticeable as ammo starts to run low and more of your time is spent shaking the blaster to get rounds to feed. Therefore, the only solution I see to this issue is a forced feeding system similar to what’s used in paintball.
In addition to this the guns are solid and a lot of fun and the purpose for this is not to deter anyone from purchasing the Nerf guns but to simply give an honest assessment.