Mega XL Nerf Guns
Nerf Mega XL Blasters, Darts & Accessories

Ages 8+


Average Rating 4.8

Mega XL Darts

Increased Accuracy
Mega XL Series Overview
Just when you thought Nerf guns reached their maximum potential in size another series comes along and raises the bar just a little higher. Mega XL is not for the light-weight compact commando or slip into the shadows warrior. No Sir, these blasters have been set aside for those who stand out in the open, taunting their adversary while launching Hydro Flasks at them.
Oversized blasters call for oversized Nerf darts and not just any old run of the mill dart will suffice. These are the whistle as they soar through the air type. Although, whistling seems like a bit of an understatement since it’s more akin to an alpaca screech than a whistle.
Series Breakdown
The Mega XL Arsenal
Click anyone of the Nerf guns below to access the stats page, share the image or enlarge it to get a close look at the blaster and its features.
Nerf Mega XL Ammo and Info
Below you will find information about what types of ammo is compatible with Mega XL Nerf guns and questions regarding the series status and it’s future.

Mega XL Nerf Darts
What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. Is there a thing of which it is said, “See, this is new”? It has been already in the ages before us. (Ecclesiastes 1:9-10)
Mega XL darts are designed specifically for this series and are NOT compatible with any other style of Nerf guns. They’re also the largest Nerf darts on the market and this does have its advantages, larger darts happen to be much easier to handle while reloading. Additionally, this ammo comes with a whistle feature that makes a whistle noise as they fly through the air.