Zombie Strike "Power Shock" Nerf Guns
Nerf Power Shock Blasters, Darts & Accessories

Ages 8+


Average Rating 4.6

Zombie Strike Darts

Animated Lights & Sounds
Power Shock Series Overview
Power Shock is a sub-series that falls under the Zombie Strike family. The series continues forward with the zombie apocalypse theme and there’s no question that these Nerf guns look as though they were thrown together in an abandoned lab. Therefore, continuing in lockstep with the role they were designed to fill. Also, some new tactical elements have worked their way into the design, along with some additional animated features.
An added feature that sets these guns apart from the rest of the Zombie Strike arsenal is the animated lights and sounds. To better understand this feature imagine a scientist and an engineer coming up with a half baked idea for some weapons to fight off zombies. Neither of them graduated from the top of their class, therefore the finished product is either pure genius or the work of a mad man. That would be my best interpretation of what the animations look like. So ya, they’re pretty cool.
Series Breakdown
Nerf Power Shock Arsenal
Click anyone of the Nerf guns below to access the stats page, share the image or enlarge it to get a close look at the blaster and its features.
Power Shock Ammo and Info
Below you will find information about what types of ammo is compatible with Zombie Strike Power Shock Nerf guns and questions regarding the series status and it’s future.

Zombie Strike Nerf Darts
The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice; let the many coastlands be glad! (Psalms 97:1)
Power Shock Nerf guns come with a unique style of Elite darts. They’re branded with the Zombie Strike logo and follow the two tone neon green color scheme, however, they’re compatible with all N-Strike Elite guns and accessories.
All Zombie Strike Nerf guns are compatible with Elite style magazines and this includes the Power Shock sub-series.