Elite 2.0 Nerf Guns
Nerf Elite 2.0 Blasters, Darts & Accessories

Ages 8+


Average Rating 4.5

Elite 2.0 Nerf Darts

Range 90 ft.
Nerf Elite 2.0 Series Overview
Elite 2.0 is the next generation arsenal of N-Strike Elite weapons. This series delivers a brand new set of Nerf guns with a modern feel and a newly upgraded color scheme. Make no mistake, this is a tactical arsenal and the creative minds that brought this series to life did a wonderful job of capturing that. Moreover, the similarities between the old and the new are present, although I don’t believe it’s enough to hinder either. This is a stand alone series and shouldn’t feel as though it were nothing more than a clone.
In addition to this Elite 2.0 Nerf guns offer a range of N-Strike attachment points, tactical rails and sling point locations. These features allow for customization that goes beyond the basics, although it’s not quite on par with Modulus. Stocks, scopes, barrels and magazine systems can be taken from one blaster to another to create an entirely new look. Likewise, you can shed these same accessories to lighten the load and take a more compact approach.
A standout feature for this series is the range has been increased to 90 feet. The only exception is the Warden DB-8 which has a range of 85 feet and this most likely is due to its multi-fire mode. Moreover, the range seems to be consistent across the series, although it can vary. Range and accuracy are two sought after features that can either bring great joy or sorrow, depending on your expectation.
Series Breakdown
Nerf Elite 2.0 Arsenal
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Elite 2.0 Ammo and Info
Below you will find information about what types of ammo is compatible with Elite 2.0 Nerf guns and questions regarding the series status.

Elite 2.0 Nerf Darts
For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse (Romans 1: 20 ESV).
What Type of Nerf Dart Do Elite 2.0 Nerf Guns Use?
Elite 2.0 Nerf darts were designed specifically for this series, however, they’re compatible with all Elite style Nerf guns, clips and drums. They’re very similar, if not almost identical to the N-Strike darts, however, they do offer an upgraded color scheme. These darts are fairly durable and will hold up under normal conditions.
Elite 2.0 darts will NOT work with Mega, Ultra or any gun that doesn’t shoot darts.
Are Elite 2.0 Nerf Guns Any Good?
Yes, of course Elite 2.0 Nerf guns are good, although there are some perceived bad apples in the bunch. For example the Commander RD-6, MotoBlitz, ShockWave RD-16 and the EaglePoint RD-8 perform well while the Warden DB-8 continues to struggle. Some of the concerns are valid, however personal preference will always trump this.
Is Nerf Elite & Elite 2.0 The Same?
Same but different as they say. Elite 2.0 is the successor of N-Strike Elite so the Nerf guns do have some similarities, although most of that is at the functional level. As for the visual elements there’s plenty of features that set them apart, from the color to design.
Do Elite 2.0 Darts Fit All Nerf Guns?
Elite 2.0 Nerf darts will fit into any Nerf gun that will fire Elite style ammo and this would include N-Strike Elite, Zombie Strike, FlipShots, Wild Edition