Zombie Strike "Survival System" Nerf Guns
Nerf Survival Systems Blasters, Darts & Accessories

Ages 8+


Average Rating 4.5

Zombie Strike Nerf Darts

Zombie Strike “Survival System” Series Overview
Survival Systems is a sub-series that falls within the Zombie Strike Family. The series is one of the smaller ones, however, I believe it to be vastly underrated. The Nerf guns found here are designed to look as though they were crafted from parts found in abandon places. Moreover, part of what makes a Nerf gun so fun is the use of the imagination which brings them to life and Zombie Strike feeds that energy with a great story. Survival System Nerf guns just happen to be part of the solution.
It’s hard to pin down the exact date or time in which these events took place. The documentation has been pieced together in a way that dilutes facts and makes you wonder if it’s a complete fabrication of the truth. At this point, only a wondering mind can fill in the gaps, so for now, lets focus on the information present and work back through the timeline.
Furthermore, as we piece things together take a moment to look through the arsenal. Both of the guns below will be vital to your survival, so familiarize yourself with their workings and attributes.
Series Breakdown
Zombie Strike Survival System Arsenal
Click anyone of the Nerf guns below to access the stats page, share the image or enlarge it to get a close look at the blaster and its features.
Survival System Ammo and Info
Below you will find information about what types of ammo is compatible with Survival Systems Nerf guns and questions regarding the series status and it’s future.

Zombie Strike Nerf Darts
For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse (Romans 1: 20 ESV).
What Type of Nerf Darts Does Survival System Nerf Guns Use?
Zombie Strike ammunition is in essence Elite Nerf darts. They have been modified with a new color scheme that’s unique to the series and imprinted with the Zombie Strike logo. Furthermore, Elite Nerf darts are well known for their reliability, high circulation and durability, however, the accuracy rating is only about average.

Survival System Nailbiter: Zoom & Doom Edition
All of these accessories which are normally sold separately have been pulled together into one collection called the Doom & Zoom edition. These accessories are designed to enhance the visual value and performance of the Nailbiter. However, the question is, do they add value? In short, the answer is yes.
The stock will increase the stability of the Nerf gun while rapid firing and will also put an extra 8 rounds within reach. Furthermore, the barrel looks fantastic, however, the performance increase it provides is not as noticeable.
Zombie Strike Nerf Guns For Younger Kids
Micro Shots Nerf guns are super easy to use which makes them perfect for small children. All three blasters have been time tested and found to be durable. They’re a lot of fun and perfect for stealth missions.